Luxe + Lure Apothecary is an all natural skin care line for the modern individual.

Skin is our largest organ. It helps to form a “first impression” in the world. It reflects our vitality and how we care for ourselves. It speaks volumes about who we are to others. Yet, far too often we forget to pay it due attention.

Besides drinking plenty of water + eating a healthy diet, the next best thing we can do to support our skin is to regularly apply nutrient dense botanicals directly onto its surface. Thus, nourishing and enriching our skin at the cellular level.

Luxe + Lure Apothecary products are specifically designed to maximize the skin’s ability to rejuvenate itself, retain moisture, and promote elasticity.

Lure + Lure is a harmonious blend of function and indulgence. Helping your skin thrive is our mission!

We offer an assortment of affordable and easy to use products for full head-to-toe coverage in the best life-sustaining nutrients Earth has to offer.

Everything we make features organic, vegan ingredients; each carefully chosen for their beneficial properties.

Self care is a non-negotiable in our book and you don’t have to wait for a special occasion to use the “good stuff” either!

Basic skin care essentials from Luxe + Lure incorporated into regular routines will encourage your skin to flourish. An investment into our products is an investment back into yourself.

Our products are gender neutral. We encourage EVERY BODY to care for their skin.

We care deeply about preserving our precious eco-systems and so we strive to maintain thoughtful sourcing principles and eco-friendly packaging.

Whatever your journey in life, Luxe + Lure Apothecary invites a little bit of healthy luxury into your home.